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Do you know that your company might be able to apply tax rebate ?

China Company Tax Rebate

Your Chinese company could be eligible for a tax rebate. It's more common than you think! In this hassle-free service, Sunshine's accountants investigate whether you're due one, and deliver the maximum to you.

Are you running a WFOE, Representative office, or joint venture in China? You may be eligible for a tax rebate.

Tax Rebate Right

In the decade or more that Sunshine have been working with overseas clients, we're amazed at how often we find that they are running a company in China and are leaving money on the table by not claiming China tax rebates that they're entitled to. If you don't apply for it, the authorities won't come to you with it!

How can I apply ?

Wouldn’t it be perfect if someone else could just ascertain if you're eligible for a tax rebate, and finally deliver the funds directly to you?Sunshine's expert accountants can do just that. We meet with you to understand your company's unique situation, examine your accounts, and find and deliver the maximum China tax rebate to you for a small percentage of the recovered funds.

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The moment you choose Sunshine means you have chosen the most qualified logistic professional expert.